Discover how to have a driver's license on your cell phone

Discover how to have a driver's license on your cell phone

By: Olivia Cristina


Have you ever been caught in a traffic stop because you forgot your driver's license at home and didn't have any documents with you in your vehicle? In this sense, we brought a super new feature to make your life easier, now whenever you have a cell phone you can have your driver's license in the palm of your hand and best of all, it is available offline and is valid throughout the country and approved. by the federal government. A driving license on your cell phone can change the course of your life!

In this sense, this digital driver's license can be shown to the police and elsewhere as an official document. In other words, don't waste any more time, come and learn with us how to have your driver's license on your cell phone today in a super easy and practical way.

Why Should You Have a Driver's License on Your Cell Phone?

The objective of having a CHN on your cell phone is to bring utility, practicality and versatility when it comes to documentation. Furthermore, it aims to make Brazilians' lives easier by offering more practicality and security when carrying their documents. This reduces the chance of losing the original document and makes it easier to take it with you in just a few clicks. The idea is also for drivers to always carry their identity card to reduce fines and never again use the excuse “I forgot my wallet”.

Does the Digital CNH Replace the Physical Driver's License?

Yes now yes! With the federal government's new program, it is no longer necessary for Brazilians to have a physical driver's license, and it is only viable for some purely bureaucratic issues. Therefore, if your driver's license has expired, you must go to the place responsible for issuing driver's licenses in your state and city and bring your CPF and ID, birth or marriage certificate and/or previous driver's license along with your proof of residence and in some cases medical reports.

However, even if you don't replace it, you will still have access to both documents, the virtual and the physical.

Furthermore, for problems related to traffic stops, for example, a virtual driver's license is sufficient.

How to Download the Digital CNH?

Using your driver's license via cell phone is available for Android and iOS and is completely free to download.
After downloading the app, simply click on “Add CNH” and scan the QR code on your physical document. Next, you will need to perform facial recognition and create a password. Use it now!
It's important for you to know that the process varies from state to state and, unfortunately, it may be a little different for some people.

Click here to learn more!

Understand how your driving license works on your cell phone

The CNH on Cell Phone, or as it is called digital CNH, is valid in all Brazilian states (according to the federal government itself) and can be requested super easily and quickly over the internet. However, it is important for you to know that this new feature is intended to end the physical release of the driver's license over time.

With this new technology, the federal government hopes to help Brazilians unify their personal documents, making it difficult to forge and lose physical documents across the country. Furthermore, it aims to facilitate the monitoring of drivers on Brazilian roads.

Despite being “the same” as a physical document, your cell phone's driver's license basically works digitally and has a unique registration verification code. Additionally, it has a verification QR code designed to facilitate offline verification. Furthermore, you do not need to be connected to the Internet to use your digital ID.

After all, did you enjoy finding out more about your driving license on your cell phone? Tell us here in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends and family.

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