Find out how Auxílio Brasil works

Find out how Auxílio Brasil works

By: Olivia Cristina

Everything you need to know about Auxílio Brasil is just a click away!

Did you learn that the Brazilian government released several benefits for Brazilians who find themselves in financial difficulties resulting from the Covid 19 pandemic. Are you interested? In this sense, come with us and we will tell you everything you need to know about Auxílio Brasil.

What is Auxílio Brasil?

It is basically a government program made up of around 10 benefits that cover the entire Brazilian population, seeking to guarantee a higher quality of life for citizens.

Among the benefits are early childhood benefits (130.00 reais per child and adolescent), transition compensation (which is calculated according to each individual in the family), family composition (fixed value of approximately 65.00 reais per person of the family), urban productive (around 200.00 reais per family), school sports aid (around 100.00 reais), urban productive (around 200.00 reais per family) and the citizen child (which guarantees a value of 200.00 to 300.00 reais per family, in this sense the average is 250.00 reais per family.

Therefore, it is important that you know that each family can request only 5 benefits, each of which will be analyzed differently and may be approved or not.

Can I Receive this Aid?

The aid is recommended for low-income people, pregnant women and families with children and adolescents. To request assistance, you must fall into one of two categories. They are extreme poverty (maximum income of 105.00 reais per person in the family). Or a situation of poverty (maximum income of 210.00 reais per person in the family).

In addition, you must have an updated registration with Cad Único to receive your benefits. However, if you or your family receives a family grant, you automatically fit the government's criteria and can receive your aid, just ask.


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What is the Value of Brazil Aid?

The government's objective is to help more than 18 million Brazilians with benefits that generate an average of 400.00 reais per Brazilian family.

However, it is important that you know that with the change of government to a slightly more populist mandate, there are court orders and requests in the senate to approve new aid with different values. Therefore, the ideal is to always stay on top of the matter so you can request Auxílio Brasil and not lose your benefit.

See how to withdraw your aid

Firstly, you need to apply for your Brazil aid and be approved.

Therefore, you need to meet the requirements (be in a situation of extreme poverty or poverty and be registered with Cad Único) to then download the Caixa Tem app. Then, you need to fill in your details and request assistance.

Finally, after approval, just withdraw through digital social savings, accounting account, special demand deposit account and current account. Click here to see the Brazil aid payment schedule.

After all, did you enjoy finding out more about Brazil aid? Tell us here in the comments and also, don't forget to send it to all your friends and family to stay up to date.