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Learn More About the Tongue of Angels

By: Olivia Cristina


The language of angels is a language that speaks of love, faith, hope and joy in our Lord Almighty God. It is a sung language that comes with the gift of the Holy Spirit for people graced with the gift. Speaking the language of angels allows God to more deeply understand our soul and our feelings and desires. Furthermore, the language of angels guarantees us a little more intimacy in our father-son relationship with God.

What is the Tongue of Angels?

The language of angels is a language that is related to the Catholic religion. According to religion, angels speak a language that is incomprehensible to humans, however, some people have the gift of speaking and singing the language of angels.

There are some reports of people who have the gift of the holy spirit of speaking, understanding and singing the language of angels, however these people were blessed by God and did not choose to have this gift.

The Origin of the Language of Angels

The language of angels is a secret language that was created by God for humanity. It uses words that are not present in other existing languages, it does not have a dictionary or books that report it and provide translations for lay people to learn.

Some of the words used in the language of angels are: \”[Angra]”, “God”, “Angel”, “Hell”, “Peace”, “Hail”.

Although understanding is not easy, the language of angels can be felt by those who listen to it, as it speaks intimately with God and reflects peace, love, faith and joy. Many believers feel an enormous peace and sense of welcome when they listen to the language of the angels, as they feel like they are in a place full of God's love.

The Variations of the Tongue of Angels

Angel languages have an impressive variety, from the simplest to the most complicated. For those who want to get to know this language better, this is the perfect opportunity. See some information about the characteristics of angel tongues and draw your own conclusions.
The Language of Angels is one of the most varied languages in the world. Some terms are quite little known, while others can be used across a vast geographic territory. Angels speak a variety of languages, but they have their own language created by God.

The best way to better understand the language of angels and delve deeper into the world of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church is to go to meetings and assemblies with people who have the gift. This way, you can understand the meaning of some words and try to learn, because if God thinks you are worthy, he will shower you with the gift of the gift of the tongue of angels.

Understand Better

Although it may seem impossible, every Christian can understand the language of angels. To do this, you need to clear your mind and get rid of prejudices and bad feelings and focus on the word of God.

It takes practice and love for God to understand.

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