Practical Tips for Saving Water and Contributing to the Environment

Practical Tips for Saving Water and Contributing to the Environment

By: Olivia Cristina

Discover simple and effective ways to reduce your daily water consumption, saving natural resources and money.

Water is an essential and limited resource, and saving it is everyone’s responsibility. Although the Earth is made up of 70% of water, only 2.5% of it is fresh and suitable for human consumption. This fact makes saving water even more relevant, especially in times of climate change and water crises. Small adjustments to our routines can make a big difference, both in our pockets and for the environment.

Below, check out practical tips organized by categories that will help you save water at home, at work and in your daily activities.

Tips for Saving Water in the Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the rooms in the house where we use the most water. Whether it’s when preparing food or washing dishes, we can make small changes that can result in big savings.

    Wash dishes the smart way:
    Avoid washing dishes and silverware with the tap running all the time. Fill one of the sink bowls with water and detergent to soap the items, and only then rinse them all at once. Also, if possible, use a dishwasher, which can be more efficient in using water, as long as it is used with a full load.

    Use smaller pots and pans when possible:
    The larger the utensil, the more water it will need to wash it. Therefore, for small preparations, try to use smaller pans to make cleaning easier later.

    Avoid defrosting food under running water:
    Instead of running water over frozen foods to defrost them, plan your meals and remove them from the freezer in advance. This can save you gallons of unnecessary water.

    Tips for Saving Water in the Bathroom

    The bathroom is where we consume the most water, especially in the shower and when flushing the toilet. Simple changes can generate significant savings.

      Reduce your shower time:
      Every minute spent less in the shower can save between 10 and 20 liters of water. Try to time your showers and keep them within a reasonable time. A quick five-minute shower can be enough to ensure personal hygiene without wasting any water.

      Install low-flow showers:
      Low-flow showerheads reduce the amount of water released without compromising jet pressure. This is an effective way to save water without changing your showering habits.

      Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth:
      A common mistake is to leave the tap running while brushing your teeth or shaving. Turning off the tap during these activities can save up to 12 liters of water per minute.

      Choose ecological flushes:
      Some toilets have a dual flush option, allowing you to use less water when you don't need to flush the toilet completely. If your home doesn't have this system, avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily.

      Tips for Saving Water When Washing Clothes

      Laundry can also be a major water-consuming culprit. With a few changes in your habits, you can wash clothes more efficiently.

        Only wash clothes when the machine is full:
        Each wash cycle uses a lot of water, so try to only use your washing machine when you have a full load. This optimizes water and energy use.

        Reuse wash water:
        If possible, reuse the water from the last rinse to wash the yard or water plants. This is a practical way to reuse water and avoid wasting it.

        Choose quick or eco-friendly wash cycles:
        Many washing machines have shorter, more environmentally friendly wash cycles that use less water. Choose these options whenever possible, especially for lightly soiled clothes.

        Tips for Saving Water in the Garden

        Taking care of your garden can consume a lot of water, but with a little care you can keep your plants healthy without wasting it.

          Water plants early or late in the day:
          Watering plants early in the morning or late in the afternoon helps prevent excessive evaporation of water due to the heat of the sun. This ensures that your plants absorb more water and you use less.

          Use watering cans instead of hoses:
          Using hoses can waste a lot of water, especially if they leak or are used for a long time. A watering can gives you more control over how much water you use.

          Bet on drip irrigation:
          Drip irrigation systems are more efficient because they release water directly to the roots of plants, avoiding waste. This is a good solution for those with larger gardens.

          Tips for Saving Water in General Maintenance

          In addition to daily habits, preventive maintenance at home can prevent major water losses, especially due to leaks.

            Fix leaks quickly:
            A small leak in a faucet or pipe can result in a large amount of water waste over time. Perform regular checks and fix any problems as soon as possible.

            Install faucets with aerators:
            Aerators mix air with water, reducing the volume of water released without compromising pressure. This is a simple and effective solution for reducing consumption in kitchens and bathrooms.

            Collect and reuse rainwater:
            If possible, install rainwater collection systems to water plants or wash outdoor areas. This practice can save gallons of drinking water and is great for the environment.


            Saving water doesn’t have to be a complicated task. With simple changes to your daily routine, you can significantly reduce your water consumption and save money at the same time. Whether in the kitchen, bathroom, garden or laundry room, every room in your home offers opportunities to adopt more sustainable practices. By acting consciously, you can help preserve one of the planet’s most valuable resources.