Olivia Cristina, Autor em Seu site de notícias e entretenimento - Page 24 of 26

Curiosities About Corpus Christi

Curiosities About Corpus Christi

Do you know what Corpus Christi? Have you heard about Corpus Christi? Want to know more about Corpus Christi? What is it and what does it mean? Come with us and we’ll tell you here on the blog. What is Corpus Christi? Corpus Christi is one of the most famous religious festivals celebrated here in … Read more

Understand How Holy Mass Works

Understand How Holy Mass Works

Holy Mass is a religious ceremony that has its origins in Christianity, and is celebrated in different places around the world. Find out what it is, how it works and what participants need to know. Main Elements of the Holy Mass The Holy Mass is a religious celebration that brings together the faithful for prayer and… Read more

Why do we pray to the Saints?

Why do we pray to the Saints

Religions are diverse, but they all have one thing in common: the importance of worshiping the dead. Most often, this practice is associated with the payment of sacrifices or other ceremonies. But what is the reason why people pray to the saints? The answer you are looking for is here in… Read more

Learn More About the Tongue of Angels

Learn More About the Tongue of Angels

The language of angels is a language that speaks of love, faith, hope and joy in our Lord Almighty God. It is a sung language that comes with the gift of the Holy Spirit for people graced with the gift. Speaking the language of angels allows God to understand our souls more deeply… Read more

The Meaning of Godparents in Christian Baptism

The Meaning of Godparents in Christian Baptism

When the child is baptized, the parents have the role of choosing godparents to sponsor the child in the Christian life and their journey. Godparents are often people you know who are willing to warmly welcome a new member of the family in moments of joy, sadness and difficulties. They can … Read more

Curiosities About Pope Francis

Curiosities About Pope Francis

Do you want to know what happens to Pope Francis, who he is, and his importance in the Catholic church? He is considered a holy man, but he is also a human person with problems like all of us. Pope Francis: a Biography Pope Francis is one of the most recent Bishops of the Catholic Church, assuming the… Read more

Who is the Pope and what is his importance for the Church?

Who is the Pope and What is his Importance for the Church

The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church and has the role of bringing together the members of the church, directing its affairs and being present in all matters important to the Roman Catholic apostolic community. The pope is also responsible for defending the Christian faith against all forms of indoctrination that oppose it... Read more

What is the Meaning of Infused Gifts in Christianity

What is the Meaning of Infused Gifts in Christianity

The Christian tradition defends the importance of infused gifts, such as availability of will, intellect, wisdom and strength. Its use has been widely proven by the Catholic Church during past centuries and even today. According to the Holy Scriptures, God sends infused gifts to help others in the search for… Read more

What Do the Colors of the Bible Mean?

What Do the Colors of the Bible Mean?

The Bible is made up of books that were written independently and were published for the first time in one place, in the year 40 AD, by the Jew Masada. The colors of the Bible are used to distinguish each of the books and, in addition, they have very important meanings for Christians who seek to understand... Read more