Free Dental Implant through SUS

Free Dental Implant through SUS

By: Olivia Cristina

You can have a beautiful, radiant smile with an implant offered by Sus completely free of charge!

Are you aware of the news?! Well, know that the Unified Health System (SUS) is making dental implants available to anyone! That's right, anyone can go to SUS and have their smile renewed with beautiful, super natural teeth.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a surgery that is performed by a qualified professional where a fixed base is implanted in the jaw and replaces the old dentures, giving the patient more beauty and comfort.

After all, what can I do for free at the Dentist through Sus?

Do you want to know what you can do for free 100% at the dentist through the SUS? Come with us and find out more! Through SUS you can do much more than basic things like cleanings and assessments, the Brasil Sorridente program offers things like:

  • endodontics;
  • wisdom tooth extraction;
  • biopsies;
  • installation of appliances;
  • osseosintegrated dental implant;
  • remove tartar;
  • orthognathic surgery;
  • repairs;
  • dentures on implants
  • and many other procedures.

However, although it is the right of every Brazilian to go to the dentist and have a dental implant or other procedure, the municipality where you live must allocate the funds for this. However, if your city does not have infrastructure or qualified professionals, you will be referred to another city in your region and will join a waiting list that follows the same criteria as a conventional SUS queue.


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Learn More About Smiling Brazil

Although Brazilian people have a good habit of always taking good care of their teeth since they were children, unfortunately they are also subject to a series of oral diseases that can lead to serious oral problems.

Furthermore, the Brazilian Dental Association recommends that everyone go to the dentist at least every 6 months on a regular basis, however, not everyone has the financial means to go to the dentist and bear the costs of dental treatment, especially as in dental implant cases. In this sense, the SUS created the Brasil Sorridente program, which gives patients the free right to undergo a wide range of dental procedures.

So, now every Brazilian can go to the dentist and have their oral health taken care of by a professional.

After all, do I have the right to a dental implant?

Although a dentist in the SUS is a right for everyone, it is not enough to want to have a dental implant to be able to do so. Therefore, you must go to your health center or also known as ESF or PSF and take your personal documents and proof of address to schedule an evaluation with the responsible dentist.

Then, the dentist will evaluate your mouth and decide, based on SUS criteria, whether you are in line to have the dental implant you've been dreaming of.

Once approved, you enter the queue and need to wait until you are called.

Click here to see if your city performs this procedure!

After all, would you like to know more about the possibilities of placing dental implants through the SUS? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends and family.

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