Curiosities about the Holy Mass - Your news and entertainment website

Curiosities about the Holy Mass

By: Olivia Cristina


The day of Holy Mass is one of the most important days of a Christian person's week, and that is why all the faithful prepare themselves very carefully. Discover some of the curiosities related to the celebration of this sacred mass, which is a weekly event in the life of a practicing Christian.

What is the Holy Mass?

The Holy Mass is the celebration of the life of Jesus Christ and his teachings that he perpetuates here on earth. The event is held in the Catholic Church, and during the ceremony, the faithful participate in a special liturgy that tells the story of some verses and readings from the Bible (which change according to the day and the Christian calendar). The main attraction of the Mass is the part in which the meeting between Christ and his disciples takes place, also called communion, where the faithful can share a blessed host and drink the sacred wine that symbolize the holy supper before the death of Jesus Christ. .

Why Do We Sing the Glory?

The explanation for the use of singing at Holy Mass is simple: through it, we want to sublimate the celebration. The ancient Romans called this song “glory”, because it reflected the beauty and greatness of the divinity being celebrated. Furthermore, singing contributes to the unity of the faithful during the liturgy.

Basically, glory serves to exalt and demonstrate in a more intimate way how the faithful are grateful to God for all the wonders and blessings that occur in their lives.

Why Do We Have Moments of Silence at Mass?

During moments of silence, it is customary for the faithful to remain standing, with their hands crossed over their chests. Some keep their heads down, others look at the ground. This act is a demonstration of intimacy with God.

At this moment, each believer finds himself a little closer to God and feels free to ask, thank and pray in a more affectionate and respectful way with God the Father.

The Ritual of the Holy Mass

Holy Mass is one of the most important rituals in Christianity. It takes place on various days of the week and during various times, so that all the faithful can attend. Each mass celebrates a part of the Bible and all contain a homily, where the priest gives the power of speech.

Everyone is welcome to attend mass, you just need to respect the beliefs of the environment and behave appropriately. The Holy Mass is free and can be seen by anyone who feels like it in their heart.

Basic concepts about the Holy Mass

Holy Mass is the official sacrament of the Catholic Church, commanded by the Pope. It is a celebration, in which people pray to ask God to help in the life path of the faithful. The basic concepts about it are: the hymn that will be sung during the celebration, the liturgical ceremonies, the sacramental effects and the essential points of the liturgy of Catholic worship.

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