Symptoms of High Glucose

Symptoms of High Glucose

By: Olivia Cristina

Learn the symptoms of high blood glucose, its causes and how to treat it.

Elevated blood glucose levels, known as hyperglycemia, is a condition that can affect people with diabetes or individuals without a history of the disease. Recognizing the symptoms is essential to seek appropriate treatment and avoid complications.

Symptoms of High Glucose

Excessive thirst (polydipsia): One of the first manifestations of hyperglycemia is intense and persistent thirst. This occurs because the kidneys try to eliminate excess through the blood, leading to frequent excretion of urine, which leads to dehydration and an increased need for fluids.

  1. Frequent urination (polyuria): Increased urine production is a symptom related to polydipsia. As the body tries to get rid of excess glucose through urine, this leads to frequent trips to the bathroom, especially at night.
  2. Persistent fatigue: Hyperglycemia can cause a constant feeling of tiredness and weakness. This occurs because the body is not able to use it effectively as an energy source.
  3. Blurred vision: High blood glucose concentration can affect the eyes, leading to temporary blurred or blurred vision.
  4. Frequent infections: People with high glucose are more susceptible to infections, such as urinary tract infections, due to the sugar-concentrated urine, which provides an environment conducive to the growth of bacteria.
  5. Unintentional weight loss: Although hyperglycemia can lead to an increase in appetite, people often lose weight unintentionally. This occurs because cells cannot obtain the glucose they need to function properly.
  6. Bad breath: Your breath may take on a fruity or sweet smell due to the presence of ketone bodies in your breath, which occurs when your body burns fat instead of glucose for energy.
  7. Irritability: Instability in glucose levels can lead to mood changes, such as irritability and difficulty concentrating.

Furthermore, it is possible that other symptoms such as nausea, headaches, poor healing, dry skin and excessive hunger may appear.

What Test Should I Take to Find Out if My Glucose is High?

The glucose test itself (reference value up to 100 mg/dL) is no longer indicated to check whether your glucose is high, as it is just a control marker and is not used for diagnosis alone. In this sense, it is necessary to carry out additional tests such as glycated and glycosylated hemoglobin.

However, it is important to remember the extreme need to fast correctly for 12 hours, as food can affect the results and generate a false positive.

Possible Complications of High Glucose

It is important to highlight that hyperglycemia should not be ignored, as, if not treated properly, it can lead to serious complications, such as damage to organs and blood vessels. In this sense, if you experience some of these symptoms recurrently, it is essential to seek out a healthcare professional for an accurate assessment and diagnosis.

What Increases Glucose?

In principle, high glucose is caused by conditions that affect the production of insulin, which is the hormone that is capable of processing the sugar present in the body.

Glucose can increase due to several factors, most of which are caused by poor eating and physical habits, and also by genetic and hereditary factors.

Are they:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Some classes of medicines
  • Infections
  • stroke
  • Hypercorticolism
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Diabetes mellitus or gestational
  • Unbalanced and unregulated diet
  • Overweight


To treat high blood glucose, you first need to see a doctor to advise you on the best treatment.

Unfortunately, if you have already become diabetic, it is not possible to reverse the process and you will only have to control the situation, be it with diet, exercise, insulin or medication. However, if you are not yet diabetic, you can change the situation by exercising, eating correctly, avoiding sugar and alcohol consumption, avoiding cigarettes and increasing your fiber intake.

Foods to Improve

Skimmed milk







Brown rice


Fresh fruit

White cheese

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